Kali (kmpoetry14) hosts poetry workshops for people with BPD through Emotions Matter. She shares about her own lived experience, the moment she realized she had the ability to change, finding and redefining love, and the impact poetry has had on her recovery.
Kali earned her MFA in 2010 from Lesley University. She has been published in Gaslight
Magazine, Boston Literary Magazine, Balancing the Tides, The Novice Writer, Tupelo Press 30/30 Project, Connotations Press and most recently became one of the winners of Newport Life Writing Contest. She works full-time for a family business and is committed to her volunteer work with Emotions Matter to help others on the journey. She is "loud and proud" about her BPD diagnosis and Laurie loved chatting with her!
If you'd like to register for her poetry workshops or any other supports provided by Emotions Matter please check out their website.
Find the book Remnants of a Life on Paper here.
This episode featured Laurie Edmundson who previously was a co-host of this project. You can find her at https://www.laurieedmundson.com and on IG @laurieanned where you will find ways to access The Super Feelers Club and other projects she works on.
Send us a text message to be anonymously read and responded to!
You can find Sara on Instagram @borderlinefromhell. You can also find the podcast on IG @boldbeautifulborderline
Corey Evans is the artist for the music featured. He can be found HERE
Talon Abbott created the cover art. He. can be found HERE
Leave us a voicemail about your thoughts or questions on the show at boldbeautifulborderline.com
If you like the show we would love if you could rate, subscribe and support us on Patreon.
Patreon info here: https://www.patreon.com/boldbeautifulborderline?fan_landing=true
Purchase Sara's Exploring Your Borderline Strengths Journal at https://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Your-Borderline-Strengths-Amundson/dp/B0C522Y7QT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=IGQBWJRE3CFX&keywords=exploring+your+borderline+strengths&qid=1685383771&sprefix=exploring+your+bor%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1
For mental health supports:
National Suicide Pr...
Kali (kmpoetry14) hosts poetry workshops for people with BPD through Emotions Matter. She shares about her own lived experience, the moment she realized she had the ability to change, finding and redefining love, and the impact poetry has had on her recovery.
Kali earned her MFA in 2010 from Lesley University. She has been published in Gaslight
Magazine, Boston Literary Magazine, Balancing the Tides, The Novice Writer, Tupelo Press 30/30 Project, Connotations Press and most recently became one of the winners of Newport Life Writing Contest. She works full-time for a family business and is committed to her volunteer work with Emotions Matter to help others on the journey. She is "loud and proud" about her BPD diagnosis and Laurie loved chatting with her!
If you'd like to register for her poetry workshops or any other supports provided by Emotions Matter please check out their website.
Find the book Remnants of a Life on Paper here.
This episode featured Laurie Edmundson who previously was a co-host of this project. You can find her at https://www.laurieedmundson.com and on IG @laurieanned where you will find ways to access The Super Feelers Club and other projects she works on.
Send us a text message to be anonymously read and responded to!
You can find Sara on Instagram @borderlinefromhell. You can also find the podcast on IG @boldbeautifulborderline
Corey Evans is the artist for the music featured. He can be found HERE
Talon Abbott created the cover art. He. can be found HERE
Leave us a voicemail about your thoughts or questions on the show at boldbeautifulborderline.com
If you like the show we would love if you could rate, subscribe and support us on Patreon.
Patreon info here: https://www.patreon.com/boldbeautifulborderline?fan_landing=true
Purchase Sara's Exploring Your Borderline Strengths Journal at https://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Your-Borderline-Strengths-Amundson/dp/B0C522Y7QT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=IGQBWJRE3CFX&keywords=exploring+your+borderline+strengths&qid=1685383771&sprefix=exploring+your+bor%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1
For mental health supports:
National Suicide Pr...